Service Times

Who We Are  

Sunday 10:30 am

Praise & Worship

Wednesday 7:00 pm

Midweek Experience

We are a church that is centered on Christ and empowered by the Spirit. Our main purpose is to help individuals in their journey of Knowing God, Finding Freedom, Discovering their Purpose, and Making a Difference. We are a community of people who are led by an amazing and loving God. Our worship takes us upward, discipleship takes us inward, and evangelism takes us outward.

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Wednesday Midweek Bible Study - 7:30 pm

The book of Psalms is a collection of writings that express worship. It encourages readers to praise God for His character and His actions. The Psalms highlight the greatness of our God and affirm His faithfulness to us in times of trouble. Join us every Wednesday for our new summer series, "Summer in the Psalms." 

Contact Us

We'd love to hear how we can help you. 

Life Groups 

Created for Community.

As followers of Jesus, we believe that we were not meant to live life alone. We were created to be in community with one another. Life groups provide an excellent opportunity for us to connect with other believers, grow spiritually, and become more like Christ. These groups meet weekly to study the Bible, fellowship, and pray together.